Mothlight Microcinema

  1. an artist-run, nomadic film series screening experimental and avant-garde, fiction, documentary, and animated film + video in Detroit, Michigan since 2012.
  2. screening schedules and program line-ups can be found here and on our Facebook page
  3. Stay connected by subscribing to our newsletter!

Upcoming Events
MMC 2024 ++
  1. Gaza Ghetto (1984), Speakers: Umayyah Cable and Hannah Fahoome
  2. 16mm filmmaking workshop with Shanna Maurizi

Past Programs
MMC 2023 ++
  1. 16mm filmmaking workshop with the Detroit Narrative Agency
  2. 60th Ann Arbor Touring Program, Q&A with Jerrod Willis

MMC 2022 ++
  1. 59th Ann Arbor Touring Program, Q&A with Ahya Simone 

MMC 2021 ++
  1. Malni: towards the ocean towards the shore, Q&A with Sky Hopinka
  2. Film About a Father Who, Q&A with Lynne Sachs

MMC 2020 ++
  1. The Wolf House (virtual, co-presented with The Film Lab and Cinema Lamont)
  2. Vitalina Varela (virtual, co-presented with The Film Lab)

MMC 2019 ++
  1. Films in Space (Cosmos + shorts on 16mm)
    Curated by Raul Benitez

  2. Remember to Remember: New and Old Films from Niagara Custom Lab
    Curated by Derek Jenkins

MMC 2018 ++
  1. Chicagoland Shorts, Vol 4 
    Curated by Full Spectrum Features
  2. Based in Havana: Documentary Shorts
    Curated by Mary Pena
  3. Clicks Inside My Dreams: Short Films by Margaret Rorison, Q&A with Rorison
  4. Image Bearings: New Video Work by Women in the Midwest
    Curated by Sally Lawton, Q&A with Bree Gant

MMC 2017 ++
  1. The Maribor Uprisings, Q&A with Maple Raza
  2. Kairos Dirt and the Errant Vacuum, Q&A with Madsen Minax
  3. INAATE/SE/, Q&A with Adam Khalil
  4. ANTI-ETHNOGRAPHY, Q&A with Adam Khalil
  5. Untitled (Just Kidding), Q&A with Jesse Malmed

MMC 2016 ++
  1. Chicagoland Shorts
    Curated by Full Spectrum Features

  2. Films by Mothlight Filmmaker-in-Residence Jayne Amara Ross, Q&A with Ross
  3. Films by Ephraim Asili, Q&A with Asili
  4. SÖFNUN: Mothlight Microcinema in Iceland
  5. Seeking: Missed Connections & Loose Associations, Q&A with Chris Collins & LJ Freeza
  6. Films for One to Eight Projectors: Multiple Projector Experiments by Roger Beebe, Q&A with Beebe

MMC 2015 ++
  1. Itinerant Spaces: Films by Stephen Connolly, Q&A with Connolly
  2. Minority Report
    Curated by Nazli Dincel, Q&A with Sky Hopinka

  3. Frenkel Defects III
    Curated by Kevin Rice
  4. Handmade Emulsion workshop with Process Reversal (led by Kevin Rice)
  5. Cellular Cinema VI: Mothlight in Minneapolis
  6. Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Dan Smeby, Q&A with Smeby
  7. Tale of Two Syrias: Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Yasmin Fedda, Q&A with Fedda
  8. Paradise: Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Lydia Moyer, Q&A with Moyer
  9. Failure: Experimental Animation by Kelly Sears, Q&A with Sears
  10. Projection Instructions: Selections from Filmmakers Coop Curated by Josh Guilford, performed by Mothlight

MMC 2014 ++
  1. Synchronicity, Q&A with Jason Sudak
  2. Films by Julie Murray, Q&A with Murray
  3. Films by Fern Silva, Q&A with Silva
  4. Form/Fragment, Q&A with Jen Proctor
  5. 51st Ann Arbor Film Festival Touring Program

MMC 2013 ++
  1. Moving: 16mm shorts
  2. On Holiday
    Curated by Brandon Walley
  3. Peninsulam, Q&A with Jack Cronin
  4. Handmade (Animation)
    Curated by Gary Schwartz, Q&A with Dustin Grella
  5. Portraits of America, Part II, Q&A with Katie Barkel & Oren Goldenberg
  6. Portraits of America, Part I, Q&A with Brandon Walley

MMC 2012 ++
  1. Maximal Minimal (16mm)


MMC04 04202013 / Handmade
Curated by Gary Schwartz, Q&A with Dustin Grella

This month we have a very exciting program of short animations curated by Gary Schwartz (full program listing below). Though in a private residence, this event is free and open to all. Ring the white doorbell on John R to be let in. Hope to see you there!


animus, Gary Schwartz, 1982, 5 min, 16mm
Sindrome de Línea Blanca, Loudes Villagomez, 2006, 8:20, 35mm (video transfer)
In Plaster, Alyssa Baron-Klask, 2012, 3:36, video
House Bunny, Gina Kamensky, 2010, 1:30, 35mm (video transfer)
Playtime, Steven Woldshen, 2007, 5:20, video
Fa, Fha, Pha Ottawa!, Gary Schwartz, 2010, 0:53, video
The Deep Dark, Laura Heit, 2011, 7:07, video
Coversong, Eric Dyer, 2012, 1:45, video
Like Me, Only Better, Martin Pickles 2007, 5:20, video
Yours Truly
, Osbert Parker, 2006, 7 min, 35mm (video transfer)
Here Come ‘da Judge, Gary Schwartz, 2007, 4 min, video
Prayers for Peace, Dustin Grella, 2009, 7:38, video
The Gravedigger’s Tale, Min Young Oh, 2013, 13:06, video
Fresh Off the Grill Film Festival, Gary Schwartz, 2012, 0:29, video
Inherent Obligations, Rao Heidmets, 2008, 10 minutes, video
That Dam Box Show 2, Gary Schwartz, 2010, 1:10, video
Secret Bee, Gina Kamensky, 2010, 2:30, video
Hole, Gary Schwartz 2013, 1 min, video
