Mothlight Microcinema

  1. ANNOUNCING: Mothlight Workshops!!!!
  2. Mothlight Microcinema is an artist-run, nomadic film series screening experimental and avant-garde, fiction, documentary, and animated film + video in Detroit, Michigan since 2012.
  3. screening schedules and program line-ups can be found here and on Facebook and Instagram
  4. Stay connected by subscribing to our newsletter!

Upcoming Events
MMC 2025 ++
  1. Matt Peterson and Malek Rasamny: Spaces of Exception

Past Programs
MMC 2024 ++
  1. Short Films by Lisa Truttmann
  2. 16mm filmmaking workshop (in partnership with Detroit Narrative Agency)
  3. 16mm filmmaking workshop with Shanna Maurizi (in partnership with Carpenter Creative Cooridor)
  4. Gaza Ghetto (1984), Speakers: Umayyah Cable and Hannah Fahoome

MMC 2023 ++
  1. 16mm filmmaking workshop with the Detroit Narrative Agency
  2. 60th Ann Arbor Touring Program, Q&A with Jerrod Willis

MMC 2022 ++
  1. 59th Ann Arbor Touring Program, Q&A with Ahya Simone 

MMC 2021 ++
  1. Malni: towards the ocean towards the shore, Q&A with Sky Hopinka
  2. Film About a Father Who, Q&A with Lynne Sachs

MMC 2020 ++
  1. The Wolf House (virtual, co-presented with The Film Lab and Cinema Lamont)
  2. Vitalina Varela (virtual, co-presented with The Film Lab)

MMC 2019 ++
  1. Films in Space (Cosmos + shorts on 16mm)
    Curated by Raul Benitez

  2. Remember to Remember: New and Old Films from Niagara Custom Lab
    Curated by Derek Jenkins

MMC 2018 ++
  1. Chicagoland Shorts, Vol 4 
    Curated by Full Spectrum Features
  2. Based in Havana: Documentary Shorts
    Curated by Mary Pena
  3. Clicks Inside My Dreams: Short Films by Margaret Rorison, Q&A with Rorison
  4. Image Bearings: New Video Work by Women in the Midwest
    Curated by Sally Lawton, Q&A with Bree Gant

MMC 2017 ++
  1. The Maribor Uprisings, Q&A with Maple Raza
  2. Kairos Dirt and the Errant Vacuum, Q&A with Madsen Minax
  3. INAATE/SE/, Q&A with Adam Khalil
  4. ANTI-ETHNOGRAPHY, Q&A with Adam Khalil
  5. Untitled (Just Kidding), Q&A with Jesse Malmed

MMC 2016 ++
  1. Chicagoland Shorts
    Curated by Full Spectrum Features

  2. Films by Mothlight Filmmaker-in-Residence Jayne Amara Ross, Q&A with Ross
  3. Films by Ephraim Asili, Q&A with Asili
  4. SÖFNUN: Mothlight Microcinema in Iceland
  5. Seeking: Missed Connections & Loose Associations, Q&A with Chris Collins & LJ Freeza
  6. Films for One to Eight Projectors: Multiple Projector Experiments by Roger Beebe, Q&A with Beebe

MMC 2015 ++
  1. Itinerant Spaces: Films by Stephen Connolly, Q&A with Connolly
  2. Minority Report
    Curated by Nazli Dincel, Q&A with Sky Hopinka

  3. Frenkel Defects III
    Curated by Kevin Rice
  4. Handmade Emulsion workshop with Process Reversal (led by Kevin Rice)
  5. Cellular Cinema VI: Mothlight in Minneapolis
  6. Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Dan Smeby, Q&A with Smeby
  7. Tale of Two Syrias: Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Yasmin Fedda, Q&A with Fedda
  8. Paradise: Films by Filmmaker-in-Residence Lydia Moyer, Q&A with Moyer
  9. Failure: Experimental Animation by Kelly Sears, Q&A with Sears
  10. Projection Instructions: Selections from Filmmakers Coop Curated by Josh Guilford, performed by Mothlight

MMC 2014 ++
  1. Synchronicity, Q&A with Jason Sudak
  2. Films by Julie Murray, Q&A with Murray
  3. Films by Fern Silva, Q&A with Silva
  4. Form/Fragment, Q&A with Jen Proctor
  5. 51st Ann Arbor Film Festival Touring Program

MMC 2013 ++
  1. Moving: 16mm shorts
  2. On Holiday
    Curated by Brandon Walley
  3. Peninsulam, Q&A with Jack Cronin
  4. Handmade (Animation)
    Curated by Gary Schwartz, Q&A with Dustin Grella
  5. Portraits of America, Part II, Q&A with Katie Barkel & Oren Goldenberg
  6. Portraits of America, Part I, Q&A with Brandon Walley

MMC 2012 ++
  1. Maximal Minimal (16mm)



MMC27 11132016 / Chicagolad Shorts Vol. 2
From Full Spectrum Features

CHICAGOLAND SHORTS is Full Spectrum Features’ annual touring short film series that highlights the incredible diversity of The Windy City and its surrounding communities. The series celebrates the vastness of the Chicagoland experience and provides an outlet for those cinematic voices that often go unheard within the independent film community.

This collection is Full Spectrum Features’ flagship program and embodies our mission to provide a platform for the intersecting work of people of color, women, and LGBTQ filmmakers, while showcasing genre- and boundary-pushing short films. Along with highlighting underrepresented voices, the program also combines genres often considered “niche” – experimental, observational doc, dance, found footage, silent – into one engaging package that mainstream audiences might never even consider.

The ten filmmakers featured in VOL. 2 represent some of the most original and innovative voices in Chicago. These include up-and-coming talents as well as established auteurs, whose award-winning films have screened at festivals nationally and internationally including Cannes, Tribeca, Sundance, Berlin, Vienna, Rotterdam, and Chicago International.

“Edison” by Daniel Davison
“Parietal Guidance” by Lonnie Edwards
“VIDEOWAVE_056” by Aren Zolninger
“Violets” by Jim Vendiola
“Marquee” by Brian Zahm
“The Fever” by Eunhye Hong Kim
“Ayinde’s Video Game” by Shiri Burson
“Bound” by Monica Thomas
“Run of Press” by Mina Fitzpatrick
“Girls Love Horses” by Jennifer Reeder


Beckie Stocchetti works to support all independent and local film initiatives at the Chicago Film Office. Prior to joining the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), she was the Director of Engagement and Programs at Chicago’s Kartemquin Films, where she managed the organization’s professional development programs and provided producers with critical feedback and support throughout their production processes.Prior to joining Kartemquin in 2014, Beckie worked as the Program Director of Chicago Filmmakers, a 40-year-old non-profit film services organization in Andersonville; she has also served on the advisory boards for Elephant and Worm Theater Company, Reeling Film Festival and Cinema/Chicago. She has over eight years experience supporting filmmakers and programming independent film. Beckie has a degree from the University of Chicago in Cinema and Media Studies with an emphasis on contemporary political documentaries and spectator theory.

Dan Rybicky is an artist and teacher whose photographs, installations, and plays have been seen in venues in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. After receiving his MFA at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, Dan began working with and consulting in various production capacities for filmmakers Martin Scorsese, John Sayles, and John Leguizamo. Dan is currently an Associate Professor in Cinema Art + Science at Columbia College Chicago where he designs and teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses. His Kartemquin documentary, Almost There, has screened from coast to coast and has been selected on multiple year-end “best of” lists for 2015.


EUGENE SUN PARK has written, produced, and directed numerous short films which have gone on to play at film festivals, micro-cinemas, and on broadcast television. His short film, 1000 Li, premiered on Time Warner Cable in New York as part of NET’s Faith Film Festival. Eugene’s feature-length screenplay, Michael’s Story, was recently selected as the winner of the Screenplay Competition at the 37th Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF) in New York City. Eugene is also a 2014 recipient of an IAS Artist Project Grant from the Illinois Arts Council, which supported the completion of Self-Deportation: The Untold Tale of a Marginal Woman. He is producer and founder at Full Spectrum Features.

DANE HAIKEN is a writer, filmmaker, and educator from Tucson, AZ, going four years strong in Chicago. His work with Full Spectrum Features as program director perfectly bridges the gap between his two passions: film and the fight for social justice. As a programmer, he aims to diversify Chicago’s film community and bring the power of cinema to under-served communities and youths in the city. As a storyteller and former stand-up comic, Dane is attracted to the type of satire and jet-black humor that belies a more profound perspective on human nature.
